Prayer Request

Share any prayer request here.  You can choose to make this available only to our pastor, to our caring ministry team, or to our entire congregation.  If this is an urgent prayer request, please text the church at 913-521-5673.

Please pray for...

Share with us who is in need of prayer.  If you can provide as much information as possible, it helps us follow-up effectively.  However, provide only as much as you have.  We value confidentiality and privacy in ministry, so all requests are confidential and will be shared only as you indicate below.

Tip: Select all that apply.

Other info?

Tip: Who can this prayer request be shared with?

Let us know who you are so our pastors and/or caring ministers can follow-up with you if we have questions. (If you give permission below)

The person submitting this prayer request...

Tip: Type your first name.

Tip: Type your last name.

Tip: Type your home address.

Tip: Type your city.

Tip: Type your zip code.

Tip: Type your state.

Tip: Type your cell phone number.

Tip: Type your home phone number.

Tip: Type your email address.