Church Building Rental, non-church event

Tip: Enter the name of the contact person.

Tip: Enter the last name of the contact person.

Tip: Enter the email address of the contact person. If you don't have an email, please enter

Tip: Enter the mobile number of the contact person.

Protection of Children, Youth, and Developmentally Disabled Adults.

We want our facility open to the community.  But, we also are called to protect vulnerable populations.  So, all churches in the Great Plains Annual Conference are required to ensure that events for children, youth, or developmentally disabled adults have at least 1 person certified in Safe Gatherings present at all times.  This involves a 30 minute online class, a background check, and a $30 fee paid to the conference online.  Then, that certified person may supervise your other non-certified people who volunteer.  Other background checks (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) are great, but do not exempt a leader from certification through Safe Gatherings.

By clicking "submit" below, you agree that you understand...

1. Facility use can be denied by any reason. This is especially the case if church events must use the space or if your event directly conflicts with our mission and vision.

2. Your event is not approved until you are contacted by an administrator from the church. You should not publish until that time.

3.The church may assess a building use fee for many events. Fees will be waived by the Pastor or the Committee on Trustees in special circumstances where the event directly connects with our mission or where a local community organization is directly serving the same population here. If required, the fee is $25 per hour for non-church events with a maximum daily fee of $200. In addition, an additional fee of $20 per hour is charged for tech team support if your event requires using church technology or instruments.

4. You are required to remove your own trash from the building to the dumpster, clean all surfaces and appliances prior to your departure, and sweep or vacuum the floor as appropriate.

5. If you are using technology or instruments, you will receive a contact from the person involved to assist with planning. In the event any technology fails, the church is not responsible.

6. Anything you do during your event must be in keeping with all federal, state, and local laws including any copyright laws. Your event is not covered by the church copyright licenses.


7. The consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of profanity, smoking, and chewing tobacco are prohibited on our property at anytime, inside or outside. If your group is found to violate this, you agree to pay a one-time $500 cleaning fee.

8. Beverages and food are limited to areas of the church with tiled floor. If your group is found to violate this, you agree to pay a one-time $200 carpet cleaning fee.

9. You agree to release and hold harmless Louisburg United Methodist Church for any injury or damages you or your group may sustain while attending your event on our property.

10. If your event is for children, youth, or developmentally disabled adults, you agree to have one person trained in Safe Gatherings present.

11. Due to the risk of fire, candles may not be lit by outside groups with the exception of birthday or other cakes.